Famous Last Words |
Famous Last Words are the pithy things which the famous, infamous, and not-so-famous have said just before they left this world.
Often recorded by friends or family, but sometimes by journalists, nurses and doctors, the famous last words become recorded in historical biographies and in newspapers. In other cases, last words are tombstone epitaphs or gravestone inscriptions — either provided prior to dying by the deceased or sometimes provided on their behalf by those they've left behind.
Is THAT your Final Answer?!? Our Last Words put a period on the ends of our lives, and as you can see from those we've provided here, those last words are often funny or ironic. Last Words are interesting, illuminating and entertaining. We've provided them here in widget and feed format so that you can add them to your website, blog, or personal homepage in order to receive a different one every day to reflect upon. |
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