Gruene's Hall |
Latitude & Longitude:
29° 44' 16.45900000008",
-98° 6' 13.36183999992"
Texas State Historical Marker |
Built in 1878 as a saloon and social hall for area cotton farmers, this is belived to one of the oldest dance halls in Texas . Christian Herry (1854-1917) built the hall under the direction of town developer Henry D. Gruene, for whom many of the farmers worked. The center of the community's social life for over a century, the large one-story structure features a false front entry with asymmetrical window and door arrangements. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark -1988
This page last updated: 7/15/2008
StoppingPoints.com Editorial on Gruene's Hall: | See also the Gruene Hall website for current events and calendar information. |
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Gruene's Hall Historical Marker Location Map, Texas