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HomeCaliforniaCalaveras County → Milton

Milton City Historical Markers

Map of California State Historical Marker Locations in the City of Milton

Milton City Historical Markers

262 Historical Marker

Milton, Completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1871 marked the birth of the town of Milton. Named after Milton Latham, one of the railroad construction engineers, this town was the first in Calaveras County to have a railroad. Freight and passengers continued their journeys to other parts of Calaveras County by wagon and stagecoach., CA, USA

Latitude & Longitude: -120° 51' 9.3312", 7° 0' 0"

Milton General Interest
Milton City Historical Marker
Completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1871 marked the birth of the town of Milton. Named after Milton Latham, one of the railroad constructio... [click for more]