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Winchester House
Site of California’s First State Capitol
Edwin Markham Home

San Jose City Historical Markers

Map of California State Historical Marker Locations in the City of San Jose

San Jose City Historical Markers

San Jose Churches
First Unitarian Church Of San Jose
This church's architectural character is generally described as Richardsonian Romanesque, it is one of the few churches in America patterned after the... [click for more]

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Established in 1803, St. Joseph's was the first non-mission church in a Spanish California settlement. The present edifice, designed in Italian baroqu... [click for more]

San Jose Schools
First Normal School in California (San Jose State College)
Originally founded as a private institution, 'Minns' Evening Normal School,' in 1857, the school became a public institution by act of the State Legis... [click for more]

Moreland School
Established in 1851 as a subscription school meeting in private homes, this is the oldest rural school district in California. Its first teacher, Char... [click for more]

San Jose Historic Homes & Houses
Edwin Markham Home
Markham was born at Oregon City April 23, 1852 and later moved to a cattle ranch near Suisun. Later he and his mother moved to San Jose, and Markham e... [click for more]

Winchester House
Built by Sarah Winchester, widow of rifle manufacturer William Winchester, this unique structure includes many outstanding elements of Victorian archi... [click for more]

San Jose General Interest
Almaden Vineyards
On this site, in 1852, Charles LeFranc made the first commercial planting of fine European wine grapes in Santa Clara County to found Almaden Vineyard... [click for more]

First Site of El Pueblo De San José de Guadalupe
Within a year after the opening of the first overland route from Mexico to Alta California, Governor Felipe de Neve authorized establishment of Califo... [click for more]

First Successful Introduction of the Honeybee to California
Here, on the 1,939-acre Rancho Potrero de Santa Clara, Christopher A. Shelton in early March 1853 introduced the honeybee to California. In Aspinwall,... [click for more]

Named after Frank Gubser, a German immigrant and barber, Gubserville was an important stage, mail, and teamster stop on the road between San Jose and ... [click for more]

Hayes Mansion
Jay Orley and Everis A. Hayes built this Mission Revival style mansion, designed by George W. Page in 1904. The Hayes brothers were early San Jose Mer... [click for more]

Luís María Peralta Adobe
The last vestige of El Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe. This simple adobe was rehabilitated in the mid-19th century. It is believed to have bee... [click for more]

Montgomery Hill
Three-quarters of a mile northeast is Montgomery Hill, site of the 55 successful flights of John Joseph Montgomery's 'aeroplane' that demonstrated aer... [click for more]

New Almaden Mine
The Indians used pigment from this cinnabar hill for paint. Mercury was mined as early as 1845. The gold discovery made mercury indispensable, and the... [click for more]

Old Post Office
Constructed by the United States government in 1892, this was the first federal building in San Jose. It served as U.S. Post Office from 1892 to 1933.... [click for more]

Roberto-Suñol Adobe
This historic adobe was built in 1836 by a native Californian, Roberto Balermino, on Rancho de los Coches, which was officially granted to him by Gove... [click for more]

Site Of City Gardens - Nursery Of Louis Pellier
Pellier, native of Saint-Hippolyte, France and founder of California's prune industry, came to California in 1849. In October 1850 he established a nu... [click for more]

Site of California’s First State Capitol
Directly opposite this tablet was located the first State Capitol Building, in which California's first Legislature assembled in December 1849. San Jo... [click for more]

Site of World’s First Broadcasting Station
On this corner stood the Garden City Bank Building, where Charles D. Herrold established Station FN, the first radio broadcasting station in the world... [click for more]