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City Historical Markers

Map of California State Historical Marker Locations in the City of

City Historical Markers

General Interest
Box Canyon
The old road, known as the Sonora, Colorado River, or Southern Emigrant Trail and later as the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, traversed Box Canyon j... [click for more]

First Landing Place of Sailing Launch Comet
First known sail launch to ascend San Joaquin River from San Francisco landed here autumn, 1846. It carried 20 Mormon pioneers who founded New Hope Ag... [click for more]

Freeman Junction
Explorer Joseph R. Walker passed this junction of Indian trails in 1834 after discovering nearby Walker Pass. After their escape from Death Valley, '4... [click for more]

Garcés-Smith Monument
This monument marks an old Indian trail, the Mojave Trail, used by Father Garcés in March 1776 on his trip from Needles to San Gabriel. The sam... [click for more]

Headquarters Of The Big Four
(This landmark number has been retired and this landmark site is now included as part of the registration of Old Sacramento, Landmark 812.) ... [click for more]

Chief Juan Antonio and his band of Cahuilla Indians helped white settlers in the San Bernardino area defend their property and livestock against outla... [click for more]

The Coloma Road, Nimbus Dam
Alder Springs, south of this point, marks the old Coloma Road, running between Sutter's Fort and Cul-luh-mah (Coloma). Established in 1847, this road ... [click for more]

Trail of the John C. Fremont 1844 Expedition
Frémont's historic second overland expedition of 1843-44 was the first in which he reached California. He and his companions entered California... [click for more]

Western Hotel
Erected by the Gilroy family in 1876 this building was purchased in 1902 by George T. Webber.... [click for more]