Coloma Road - ColomaHere in the valley of the Cul-luh-mah Indians, James W. Marshall discovered gold on January 24, 1848, in the tailrace of Sutter's sawmill. The old Col... [click for more]
Coloma Road - RescuePast this point on the old Coloma Road, running between Sutter's Fort and his sawmill on the American river, James W. Marshall rode with the first gol... [click for more]
Condemned BarThese historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]
Diamond SpringsThis town, settled in 1848, derived its name from its crystal clear springs. Among the richest spots in this vicinity, its diggings produced a 25-poun... [click for more]
El Dorado (originally Mud Springs)El Dorado, 'The Gilded One,' was first known as Mud Springs from the boggy quagmire the cattle and horses made of a nearby watering place. Originally ... [click for more]
Friday’s Station, Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaAt this point the riders of the Central Overland Pony Express crossed the Nevada-California line. Three-quarters of a mile east of here, at Edgewood i... [click for more]
GeorgetownFounded August 7, 1849, by George Phipps and party, Georgetown was nicknamed Growlersburg because of the heavy nuggets that 'growled' in the miners' p... [click for more]
Gold Discovery SiteThis monument marks the site of John A. Sutter's sawmill. In its tail-race, on January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered gold and started great r... [click for more]
GreenwoodJohn Greenwood, a trapper and guide who came to California in 1844, established a trading post here in 1849. The gold rush town of Greenwood boasted a... [click for more]
Hangman’s TreeIn the days of 1849, when this city was called Hangtown, vigilantes executed many men for various crimes. This was the site of Hay Yard, on which stoo... [click for more]
Marshall MonumentIn 1887 the State of California purchased the site for a monument to commemorate James Marshall, who in 1848 discovered gold near Coloma. Marshall's d... [click for more]
Marshall’s Blacksmith ShopMarshall's blacksmith shop, located on the Gray Eagle Mine property, was built in 1872-73. Marshall not only was a smithy but also a qualified carpent... [click for more]
Moore’s (Riverton), Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaThis was the site of a change station of the Pioneer Stage Company in the 1850s and 1860s. During 1860-1861, the Central Overland Pony Express maintai... [click for more]
Mormon IslandEarly in March 1848, W. Sidney, S. Willis, and Wilford Hudson, members of the Mormon Battalion, set out from Sutter's Fort to hunt deer. Stopping on t... [click for more]
Mormon Tavern, Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaAt this site on the old Clarksville-White Rock Emigrant Road was Mormon Tavern. Constructed in 1849, this popular stage stop was enlarged and operated... [click for more]
Negro HillThese historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]
Old Dry Diggins-Old Hangtown-PlacervilleThis rich mining camp was established on the banks of Hangtown Creek in the spring of 1848. Millions in gold were taken from its ravines and hills, an... [click for more]
Placerville, Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaGold rush town and western terminus of the Placerville-Carson Road to the Comstock, Placerville was a relay station of the Central Overland Pony Expre... [click for more]
Salmon FallsThese historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]
Shingle SpringsThe Boston-Newton Joint Stock Association, which left Boston April 16 and arrived at Sutter's Fort September 27 after a remarkable journey across the ... [click for more]
Site Of California’s First Grange HallPilot Hill Grange 1, with 29 charter members-Master, F. D. Brown - Secretary A. J. Bayley-was organized August 10, 1870. The Grange hall, dedicated at... [click for more]
Sportsman’s Hall, Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaThis was the site of Sportsman's Hall, also known as Twelve-Mile House, the hotel operated in the latter 1850s and 1860s by John and James Blair. A st... [click for more]
Studebaker’s Shop siteThis shop was built in the early 1850s. The front part housed a blacksmith shop operated by Ollis and Hinds, and John Mohler Studebaker rented a part ... [click for more]
Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm ColonyThe agricultural settlement of pioneer Japanese immigrants who arrived at Gold Hill on June 8, 1869-the only tea and silk farm established in Californ... [click for more]
Yank’s Station, Overland Pony Express Route in CaliforniaThis was the site of the most eastern remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express in California. Established as a trading post on the Placerv... [click for more]