Bass HillOn the summit of Bass Hill a remnant of the California-Oregon stage road crosses the Pacific Highway and descends to the Pit River. Because this was a... [click for more]
Battle RockBattle of the Crags was fought below Battle Rock in June 1855. This conflict between the Modoc Indians and the settlers resulted from miners destroyin... [click for more]
Bell’s BridgeErected in 1851 by J. J. Bell, this was an important toll bridge on the road from Shasta City to Tehama. Bell's Mansion, erected in 1859 on Clear Cree... [click for more]
Clear CreekFive miles up the creek, at Reading's Bar, is the site of the discovery of gold by Major Pierson B. Reading and his Indian laborers in 1848. ... [click for more]
Father Rinaldi’s Foundation Of 1856In the summer of 1853 Archbishop Alemany of San Francisco sent Father Florian Schwenninger to take over the mission of Shasta County. In the later par... [click for more]
Fort Crook siteEstablished July I, 1857 by Lieutenant George Crook for protection of the immigrants and settlers, Fort Crook was later commanded by Captain John W. G... [click for more]
Fort ReadingFort Reading, established on May 26, 1852 by Second Lieutenant E. N. Davis, Co. E, 2nd Infantry on the orders of Lieutenant Colonel George M. Wright, ... [click for more]
French GulchFounded nearby by French miners in 1849, the town of Morrowville, relocated here, was the center of one of the state's richest gold producing areas. T... [click for more]
Lockhart FerryEstablished by Samuel Lockhart in 1856 as a link in the first wagon road from Yreka to Red Bluff, the Lockhart Ferry crossed below the confluence of t... [click for more]
Noble Pass RouteWilliam H. Noble, accompanied by a party of citizens, showed the route for a wagon road across the Sierra Nevada in May 1852. It was from this point t... [click for more]
Old California-Oregon RoadThis marks the location of the main artery of travel used by pioneers between the Trinity River and the northern mines of California and Oregon. ... [click for more]
Old Town Of ShastaFounded in 1849 as Reading's Springs, the town was named Shasta June 8, 1850. It was the second county seat for Shasta County, 1851-1888, and the metr... [click for more]
Pioneer Baby’s GraveCharles, infant son of George and Helena Cohn Brownstein of Red Bluff, died December 14, 1864. He was buried near land established by the Shasta Hebre... [click for more]
Reading’s BarMajor Pierson B. Reading and his Indians washed out the first gold in Shasta County on a bar at the mouth of the canyon of Clear Creek in March 1848. ... [click for more]
Southern’s Stage StationThis is the site of the famous Southern Hotel and Stage Station built by Simeon Fisher Southern. The original building, a log cabin, was built in 1859... [click for more]
WhiskeytownSettled by gold miners in 1849, the town was first called Whiskey Creek for the stream on which it was located, but later the name was changed to Whis... [click for more]