Site of Nation's First Successful Beet Sugar Factory
30849 Dyer St, Union City,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
37° 35' 55.32",
-122° 4' 15.0312"
California State Historical Marker |
E. H. Dyer, 'father of the American beet sugar industry,' built the factory in 1870 on a corner of his farm. It began to process sugar beets on November 15, 1870, and produced 293 tons of sugar during its first operating season. The plant has since been completely rebuilt on the original site.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
Related Themes: C.S.A., Confederate States of America, Confederacy, Union States Explore other California Civil War Historical Markers. |
Site of Nation's First Successful Beet Sugar Factory Historical Marker Location Map, Union City, California Map