Mission San Antonio de Padua
Take Jolon Rd 26.5 mi from Hwy 101, to Hunter-Ligget Military Reservation, 23 mi W of King City. Plaque located at Hwy 101 & Jolon Rd on W. side, King City,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
35° 52' 26.0652",
-120° 50' 9.8916"
 California State Historical Marker |
Mission San Antonio de Padua, established on July 14, 1771, was the third in a series of missions founded in Alta California by Father Junípero Serra. Its picturesque setting in the valley of the San Antonio River within the Santa Lucia Range makes it one of today's most outstanding examples of early mission life.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
 Related Themes: Early Spanish Missions in the New World See more historic sites related to Spanish Missions. |
Mission San Antonio de Padua Historical Marker Location Map, King City, California Map