Royal Presidio Chapel of San Carlos Borromeo
550 Church St near Figueroa, Figueroa,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
36° 35' 45.4164",
-121° 53' 27.2184"
 California State Historical Marker |
Royal Presidio Chapel of San Carlos Borroméo Established as a mission by Father Serra, June 3, 1770, this became the royal Presidio Chapel when the mission was moved to Carmel. The chapel was rebuilt with stone in 1791 and became the parish church in 1835, due to secularization. In a dilapidated condition in 1850, it was reconstructed and altered with money donated by Governor Pacheco in 1858.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
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Royal Presidio Chapel of San Carlos Borromeo Historical Marker Location Map, Figueroa, California Map