Chiles Mill
SW corner on hillside, Chiles and Pope Rd and Lower Chiles Valley Rd 3.6 mi N on Hwy 128, St. Helena,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
38° 30' 17.874",
-122° 27' 51.8364"
 California State Historical Marker |
Joseph Ballinger Chiles, who first came to California in 1841, erected the mill on Rancho Catacula 1845-56. The first American flour mill in Northern California, it was still in use in the 1880s. Chiles served as a vice president of the Society of California Pioneers, 1850-53.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
Chiles Mill Historical Marker Location Map, St. Helena, California Map