George Yount Blockhouse
NE corner of Cook Rd and Yount Mill Rd, 1 mi N of Yountville, Yountville,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
38° 25' 16.2372",
-122° 22' 11.9136"
 California State Historical Marker |
In this vicinity stood the log block-house constructed in 1836 by George Calvert Yount, pioneer settler in Napa County. Nearby was his adobe house, built in 1837, and across the bridge were his grist and saw mills, erected before 1845. Born in North Carolina in 1794, Yount was a trapper, rancher, and miller, he became grantee of the Rancho Caymus and La Jota. He died at Yountville in 1865.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
George Yount Blockhouse Historical Marker Location Map, Yountville, California Map