Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Pigeon Point Light Station 0.2 mi W of intersection of State Hwy 1 (P.M. 8.0) and Pigeon Point Rd, I7 mi N of Davenport, Davenport,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
37° 10' 54.2532",
-122° 23' 38.2452"
 California State Historical Marker |
This brick lighthouse was built to incorporate a French first order Fresnel lens. Although no longer used, the lens is still operable in the lantern room. Previously the lens had been installed at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. It first flashed over the Pacific in November 1872, and the lighthouse has served continuously without structural modifications since that time.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
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