Site of Fort Jones
On E Side Rd 0.5 mi SE of intersection of E Side Rd and State Hwy 3, , Fort Jones,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
41° 36' 29.1852",
-122° 50' 28.536"
 California State Historical Marker |
Companies A and B of the First United States Dragoons established a military post here on October 16, 1852. Named in honor of Colonel Roger Jones, brevet major general and the Adjutant General of the Army 1825-52, this fort was garrisoned by Company 3, 4th U.S. Infantry from April 23, 1853 until it was abandoned on June 23, 1858. This monument is dedicated this 14th day of July, 1946, to the officers and men who served here, among them Sergeants James Bryan and John Griffin and Private Gundor Salverson who upon their discharge became pioneer settlers of this valley.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
Site of Fort Jones California Map