Hock Farm
Plaque located on State Hwy 99 at Messick Rd, site at 5320 Garden Hwy at intersection of Messick Rd, 6. 7 mi S of Yuba City, Yuba City,
CA ,
Latitude & Longitude:
39° 3' 5.5116",
-121° 36' 56.9016"
 California State Historical Marker |
This memorial is constructed of the original iron from the fort of Hock Farm, the first non-Indian settlement in Sutter County. Established in 1841 by John Augustus Sutter, the fort and farm buildings were located on the banks of the Feather River opposite this point.
Last updated: 2/15/2016 21:05:00 |
Hock Farm Historical Marker Location Map, Yuba City, California Map