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Regular definition: AGE: e?d? n. & v. --n. 1 a the length of time that a person or thing has existed or is likely to exist. b a particular point in or part of one's life, often as a qualification (old age; voting age). 2 a colloq. (often in pl.) a long time (took an age to answer; have been waiting for ages). b a distinct period of the past (golden age; Bronze age; Middle Ages). c Geol. a period of time. d a generation. 3 the latter part of life; old age (the peevishness of age). --v. (pres. part. ageing, aging) 1 intr. show signs of advancing age (has aged a lot recently). 2 intr. grow old. 3 intr. mature. 4 tr. cause or allow to age. řage-long lasting for a very long time. age of consent see CONSENT. age of discretion see DISCRETION. age-old having existed for a very long time. come of age reach adult status (esp. in Law at 18, formerly 21). over age 1 old enough. 2 too old. under age not old enough, esp. not yet of adult status. [ME f. OF ult. f. L aetas -atis age] Last updated: 9/3/2011 12:48:30 |
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