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Regular definition: DEAD: ded adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 no longer alive. 2 colloq. extremely tired or unwell. 3 benumbed; affected by loss of sensation (my fingers are dead). 4 (foll. by to) unappreciative or unconscious of; insensitive to. 5 no longer effective or in use; obsolete, extinct. 6 (of a match, of coal, etc.) no longer burning; extinguished. 7 inanimate. 8 a lacking force or vigour; dull, lustreless, muffled. b (of sound) not resonant. c (of sparkling wine etc.) no longer effervescent. 9 a quiet; lacking activity (the dead season). b motionless, idle. 10 a (of a microphone, telephone, etc.) not transmitting any sound, esp. because of a fault. b (of a circuit, conductor, etc.) carrying or transmitting no current; not connected to a source of electricity (a dead battery). 11 (of the ball in a game) out of play. 12 abrupt, complete, exact, unqualified, unrelieved (come to a dead stop; a dead faint; a dead calm; in dead silence; a dead certainty). 13 without spiritual life. --adv. 1 absolutely, exactly, completely (dead on target; dead level; dead tired). 2 colloq. very, extremely (dead good; dead easy). --n. (prec. by the) 1 (treated as pl.) those who have died. 2 a time of silence or inactivity (the dead of night). ødead-and-alive Brit. (of a place, person, activity, etc.) dull, monotonous; lacking interest. dead as the dodo see DODO. dead as a doornail see DOORNAIL. dead bat Cricket a bat held loosely so that it imparts no motion to the ball when struck. dead beat 1 colloq. exhausted. 2 Physics (of an instrument) without recoil. dead-beat n. 1 colloq. a penniless person. 2 US sl. a person constantly in debt. dead centre 1 the exact centre. 2 the position of a crank etc. in line with the connecting-rod and not exerting torque. dead cert see CERT. dead duck sl. an unsuccessful or useless person or thing. dead end 1 a closed end of a road, passage, etc. 2 (often (with hyphen) attrib.) a situation offering no prospects of progress or advancement. dead-eye Naut. a round flat three-holed block for extending shrouds. dead from the neck up colloq. stupid. dead hand an oppressive persisting influence, esp. posthumous control. dead heat 1 a race in which two or more competitors finish exactly level. 2 the result of such a race. dead-heat v.intr. run a dead heat. dead language a language no longer commonly spoken, e.g. Latin. dead letter a law or practice no longer observed or recognized. dead lift the exertion of one's utmost strength to lift something. dead loss 1 colloq. a useless person or thing. 2 a complete loss. dead man's fingers 1 a kind of orchis, Orchis mascula. 2 any soft coral of the genus Alcyonium, with spongy lobes. 3 the finger-like divisions of a lobster's or crab's gills. dead man's handle (or pedal etc.) a controlling-device on an electric train, allowing power to be connected only as long as the operator presses on it. dead march a funeral march. dead men colloq. bottles after the contents have been drunk. dead-nettle any plant of the genus Lamium, having nettle-like leaves but without stinging hairs. dead-on exactly right. dead reckoning Naut. calculation of a ship's position from the log, compass, etc., when observations are impossible. dead ringer see RINGER. dead shot one who is extremely accurate. dead time Physics the period after the recording of a pulse etc. when the detector is unable to record another. dead to the world colloq. fast asleep; unconscious. dead weight (or dead-weight) 1 a an inert mass. b a heavy weight or burden. 2 a debt not covered by assets. 3 the total weight carried on a ship. dead wood colloq. one or more useless people or things. make a dead set at see SET(2). wouldn't be seen dead in (or with etc.) colloq. shall have nothing to do with; shall refuse to wear etc. øødeadness n. [OE dead f. Gmc, rel. to DIE(1)] Last updated: 9/3/2011 12:48:30 |
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