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The Devil's Dictionary:    

Definition of Folly

  FOLLY   noun
That 'gift and faculty divine' whose creative and controlling energy inspires Man's mind, guides his actions and adorns his life.
  Folly! although Erasmus praised thee once
      In a thick volume, and all authors known,
      If not thy glory yet thy power have shown,
  Deign to take homage from thy son who hunts
  Through all thy maze his brothers, fool and dunce,
      To mend their lives and to sustain his own,
      However feebly be his arrows thrown,

  Howe'er each hide the flying weapons blunts.
  All-Father Folly! be it mine to raise,
      With lusty lung, here on his western strand
      With all thine offspring thronged from every land,
  Thyself inspiring me, the song of praise.
  And if too weak, I'll hire, to help me bawl,
  Dick Watson Gilder, gravest of us all.

Aramis Loto Frope

Devil's Dictionarydefinition from:
The Devil's Dictionary
by Ambrose Bierce, 1911

Regular definition:
?f?l? n. (pl. -ies) 1 foolishness; lack of good sense. 2 a foolish act, behaviour, idea, etc. 3 an ornamental building, usu. a tower or mock Gothic ruin. 4 (in pl.) Theatr. a a revue with glamorous female performers, esp. scantily-clad. b the performers. [ME f. OF folie f. fol mad, FOOL(1)]

Last updated: 9/3/2011 12:48:30