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Definition of Hades

  HADES   noun
The lower world; the residence of departed spirits; the place where the dead live.   Among the ancients the idea of Hades was not synonymous with our Hell, many of the most respectable men of antiquity residing there in a very comfortable kind of way.  Indeed, the Elysian Fields themselves were a part of Hades, though they have since been removed to Paris. When the Jacobean version of the New Testament was in process of evolution the pious and learned men engaged in the work insisted by a majority vote on translating the Greek word 'Aides' as 'Hell'; but a conscientious minority member secretly possessed himself of the record and struck out the objectional word wherever he could find it.  At the next meeting, the Bishop of Salisbury, looking over the work, suddenly sprang to his feet and said with considerable excitement:  'Gentlemen, somebody has been razing 'Hell' here!'  Years afterward the good prelate's death was made sweet by the reflection that he had been the means (under Providence) of making an important, serviceable and immortal addition to the phraseology of the English tongue.

Devil's Dictionarydefinition from:
The Devil's Dictionary
by Ambrose Bierce, 1911

Regular definition:
?he?di:z n. (in Greek mythology) the underworld, the abode of the spirits of the dead. [Gk haides, orig. a name of Pluto]

Last updated: 9/3/2011 12:48:30