The Devil's Dictionary: |
Definition of Life |

Lickspittle |
A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay. We live in daily apprehension of its loss; yet when lost it is not missed. The question, 'Is life worth living?' has been much discussed; particularly by those who think it is not, many of whom have written at great length in support of their view and by careful observance of the laws of health enjoyed for long terms of years the honors of successful controversy. 'Life's not worth living, and that's the truth,' Carelessly caroled the golden youth. In manhood still he maintained that view And held it more strongly the older he grew. When kicked by a jackass at eighty-three, 'Go fetch me a surgeon at once!' cried he. Han Soper

Lighthouse |
Last updated: 9/3/2011 12:48:30