Doro Plantation
Near Clark Pl Rd and Hwy 1, Christmas,
Latitude & Longitude:
33° 46' 6.8844",
-90° 58' 51.528"
Mississippi State Historical Marker |
Received as a fee in a famous Indian lawsuit in the 1840's by Charles Clark, later Civil War governor, 1863-65. He is buried on the grounds of this plantation.
Last updated: 6/17/2009 10:15:00
StoppingPoints.com Editorial on Doro Plantation: | On land received as payment of legal fees in the 1840s, Doro Plantation was established in the early 1850s by Charles Clark, a Confederate General and wartime Governor of Mississippi (1853-1863). Doro continued to thrive in the post-Civil War years. Gen. Clark and members of the Clark and Jacobs families are buried here. |
Related Themes: C.S.A., Confederate States of America, Confederacy Explore other Mississippi Civil War Historical Markers. |
Doro Plantation Historical Marker Location Map, Christmas, Mississippi