The Bernheimer Complex
212 Walnut St, Port Gibson,
(601) 437-2843
Latitude & Longitude:
31° 57' 35.442",
-90° 59' 1.428"
Mississippi State Historical Marker |
Built by Samuel and Jacob, prominent Jewish businessmen, this complex forms an unusual group of consecurively constructed buildings of various architectural styles. This house, built in 1901, replaced an earlier one used by Gen. U.S. Grant as his headquarters after the Battle of Port Gibson, fought on May 1, 1863.
Last updated: 6/17/2009 10:15:00
StoppingPoints.com Editorial on The Bernheimer Complex: | The Bernheimer House is now a Bed & Breakfast hotel. Website: Bernheimer House |
The Bernheimer Complex Historical Marker Location Map, Port Gibson, Mississippi