Jonathan Jocky Fogg, Patriot
17 Main St, Pittsfield,
NH 03263-3703
Latitude & Longitude:
43° 18' 19.62",
-71° 19' 45.2892"
 New Hampshire State Historical Marker |
JONATHAN JOCKY FOGG, PATRIOT Jocky Fogg epitomizes the youth who suffered to defend our liberty during The Revolutionary War. Hearing about the clash at Lexington and Concord while planting peas at this site, he immediately marched to Cambridge and fought in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Fogg later survived the ill-fated winter march to Quebec under Benedict Arnold. Of the 1100 men who left, only half reached the city, cold and starved. Captured and imprisoned for nine months under deplorable conditions, Fogg returned to Pittsfield and married Sarah Cram, daughter of town's founder.
Last updated: 1/13/2021 10:05 |
Related Themes: American Revolution, the Revolutionary War. See more historic sites related to New Hampshire in the Revolution. |
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Jonathan Jocky Fogg, Patriot Historical Marker Location Map, Pittsfield, New Hampshire