San Felipe de Neri Church
Old Town Plaza, NW, Albuquerque,
Latitude & Longitude:
35° 5' 47.57046",
-106° 40' 10.67736"
Listed in the National Register of Historic Places |
San Felipe de Neri is an old Catholic church dating back to the times of Spanish Missions in New Mexico. It's located on the north side of the Old Town Plaza in Albuquerque, NM. The building was constructed in 1793, and it is the oldest surviving building in the city. Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdez originally named the church San Francisco Xavier, after the Viceroy of Nueva España. A short while later, the Duke of Albuquerque changed the name to San Felipe, in honor of King Philip of Spain. The original Church of San Felipe de Neri was established in 1706 under the direction of Fray Manuel Moreno and first stood at the northwest of the Plaza. That original building was completed in 1719 and it later collapsed in 1792 after a heavy rain and was replaced by the current building in 1793. The towers were added in 1861, a parish school was constructed in 1878, and a convent for the Sisters of Charity was added in 1881. San Felipe de Neri Church was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on October 01, 1969.
Last updated: 11/7/2010 17:04:02 |
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