In 1892 Illinois investors bought land here, near a pre-Civil War railroad line, and platted the town of Almeda. With its mild climate, the town was marketed as a citrus farming community, but unusually severe freezes caused many farmers to turn to dairy production by the 1920s. Almeda became a prosperous dairy farming town. In 1893 residents founded a school district that served children from parts of three counties. Although Almeda became part of the city of Houston in 1959, it remains a part of local history. Incising: This marker is paid for by families coming by 1900 J. Harris Taylor Pretty Riley Dugger J. Parker A. Parker Edmundson Anderson Birdsall Ormsby Mowery
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
Almeda Historical Marker Location Map, Houston, Texas
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