Magnolia Cemetery On these grounds in 1884, Henrietta Steiner buried family members John P.W. and Arthur Steiner. A few days later, several members of the First German Methodist Church Of Houston established Magnolia Cemetery for the exclusive use of church members. The Magnolia Cemetery Company applied in 1892 for an amended charter, extending membership privileges to others. Trustees deeded a portion of unused cemetery land to the City of Houston in 1929 to provide right-of-way for Buffalo Drive, now Allen Parkway. In the early 1970s, the group sold another unused part of the land to neighboring American General Insurance Company. This land was later converted to park space that, with the Gus S. Wortham mausoleum, helps create a contemplative environment for visitors and area citizens. In 1984, Magnolia Cemetery became a perpetual care facility, operating as a nonprofit corporation. Among the more than 3,800 persons interred here are veterans of most U.S. wars, including the Civil War. Many descendants of those buried here are active in preserving their families' resting place. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2002
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
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