William Carroll Sypert |
Latitude & Longitude:
30° 47' 11.36690000016",
-97° 17' 2.15140999992"
Texas State Historical Marker |
(Nov. 15, 1815 - July 18, 1885) A native of Tennessee, William C. Sypert entered the army of the Republic of Texas in 1836 at the age of 20. He returned to Tennessee and married Permelia Benjamine Perry (1819-94) in 1838. After two trips via covered wagon between Tennessee and Texas, they settled permanently in Texas in 1849. A schoolteacher and musician, Sypert served as justice of the peace in Bell County, as postmaster at Bryant's Station in 1859, and as Milam County Judge, 1867-70.
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
William Carroll Sypert Historical Marker Location Map, Davilla, Texas