Chase Court |
1700 block Hemphill, Fort Worth,
Latitude & Longitude:
32° 43' 31.410048",
-97° 19' 56.995968"
Texas State Historical Marker |
When E.E. Chase purchased the property that is now known as Chase Court, the area was some distance from the City of Fort Worth. Chase, a business man and investor, built a house in the center of the court and raised horses on his land. In 1900 his home was moved to what became lot No. 4 in 1906, when the property was bought and subdivided by the Consolidated Improvement and Construction Company of Fort Worth. Throughout its history, the neighborhood has been the home of many distinguished Fort Worth businessmen and professionals. (1984)
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
Chase Court Historical Marker Location Map, Fort Worth, Texas