To encourage settlement of what was later New Hope in Van Zandt County, William James (1804-1875) set aside two acres for a school and church and one acre for a cemetery after 1871. James, a veteran of the Mexican War, is believed to have been the first person buried here. The oldest grave marker belongs to Frances E. Whitfield (1857-1876). Another grave is believed to be that of a woman who died while traveling with her family on the Dallas-Shreveport Road in 1880. Four Confederate soldiers are interred here: D. G. Baker, W. N. Canant, J. T. Ellis, and A. M. Frears, who surrendered with General Robert E. Lee. (1998)
This page last updated: 7/4/2010 20:27:15 |
New Hope Cemetery Historical Marker Location Map, Wills Point, Texas
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