Brenham Maifest |
Latitude & Longitude:
30° 10' 0.354",
-96° 23' 52.7208"
Texas State Historical Marker |
The Brenham Maifest has evolved from the German Volksfest, a spring festival carried to this area by German Texans who settled near Brenham. When the Brenham Fire Department assumed the duties of the Volksfest Association in 1880, the exclusively German celebration was opened to the public, and the name Maifest was adopted. With the exception of three years during World War I, the fire department organized the annual festival from 1880 until 1942. Discontinued During World War II, Maifest was revived in 1948, and by 1951 the Maifest Association was established, with proceeds from the festivities designated for the young people of Brenham. Maifest activities begin in February with a serenade and presentation of the Maifest Queens and Kings. Later, on a May weekend, the Maifest Royalties, selected for outstanding leadership from among the city's young people, are formally crowned in Fireman's Park. The weekend includes dances, parades, and a Maifestival with food, games, and demonstrations. Many of the early German traditions are still visible in the annual Brenham Maifest. This cultural continuity, practiced for more than 100 years, provides an important historical link to a rich heritage.
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
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