Wittbecker-Weiss House |
Latitude & Longitude:
30° 9' 43.791012",
-96° 24' 12.29886"
Texas State Historical Marker |
Home builder and lumber company owner Frank Wood built this house in 1895 and later that year sold it to bakery owners H. G. and Annie Wittbecker. A late 19th-century L-plan Victorian dwelling, the house features fan-shaped porch brackets, wood shingled gable ends, decorative bargeboards, heavily embellished corner brackets on the front gable, and turned-wood columns. Merchant Robert Weiss acquired the house in 1920 and it remained in his family until 1982.
This page last updated: 7/15/2008 |
Wittbecker-Weiss House Historical Marker Location Map, Brenham, Texas